Driving, Driving, Driving
After leaving Yellowstone, we turned south and entered Grand Teton National Park
After locating and arranging the camp site, we set out to find Jackson Lake. Wading out into the cold, mountain lake water, it's difficult to comprehend the majesty of the setting. Floating in this lake and watching my toes break the smooth, glassy surface while astounding mountains loomed in the background has been one of the sweetest moments of my life.
After swimming, we took a break from camp food and set out into Jackson Hole for pizza.
The next morning, the boys were on task for breakfast dishes.
William and Violet caught up on work.
Then it was time to hike and explore the area.
On our hike, we witnessed a grizzly bear swimming out of the lake and clambering up the bank to cross the trail ahead of us.
Since he took off in the opposite direction at an ambitious clip, we decided he wasn't much of a threat and continued on to have lunch on the same bank he abandoned.
We finished off the day with another dip in Jackson lake and deemed it one of our favorite places in the world.
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